Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Know More About Me


I first saw the beauty of the world on the 11th day of August, year 1995, a cute baby girl was born at the Seamen'sHospital in Intramurous Manila. My parents was so happy that for the second time, another angel from heaven came down to be a part of their family. They gave me the name Kyla Mae B. Resurreccion. At first, i never thought that every name has its own meaning, so i got curious when i heard that all names has its own meaning , and i've figured out that my name means "narrow".. What a nice name! But we should always remember that whatever name is given to us by our parents we shold always honor it.... Going back to my life story.., i do have 2 brothers namely, Seane and Lance.. I am the middle and the only girl in our family.., in that case i have no choice, but to get along with my brothers...
Me myself, really likes eating sweets, most especially chocolates, watching television, and the most of all really love to sleep. I often talk to myself infront of the mirror, others say that it makes you crazy, but for me, it doesn't really makes you being crazy becuase that's my own way of expressing myself... I'm simple, responsible, obedient, sometimes lazy, and judgemental. Although i hate to admit it, but thats the truth.. My motto in life is "No Pain No Glory" and also, i do believe that "Education is our key to success"..

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