Tuesday, July 21, 2009

yes! i studied

Studying in Colegio San Agustin is a great experience. Even though studying is tiring, you have to study because the tuition fee is really expensive and it will be a waste if you don't study. In studying there, I have met many friends that some became close to me and some became very close to me because every year I have new friends. New teachers, new lessons, new classmates, everyone experience this. But in this case, you meet new people. Some lessons are very hard, some seems to be easy (I'm not referring I am a smart) but the important is that you learned something from that topic. Some of these lessons can be related to our daily lives that some can be a solution to our problems. Now, I'm in a star section in second year. I was shocked because I never thought of being in a star section. I just have to study hard so I will be in a star section next year and also graduate high school. I just want to graduate and be successful to my life so my parents' hardwork will not be a waste and be proud of me because I don't want to be a shame to our family.

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